
Donating Organ Saves Life of Receiver and Brings Happiness Back for Family


14th February is not only celebrated as Valentine’s Day, but sensible people also celebrate it as National Donor Day. April is considered as the Donate Life Month. Donating organs help in giving life to somebody who’s in need of transplant. Every year the need for organs is increasing, but the number of donors is not increasing. There are many non-government organizations that help in spreading awareness among people to let them know the importance of donating organs.

Gift of Hope Organ Tissue and Donor Network in Itasca, Illinois is a non-profit organization that builds a bridge between the organ donor and receiver. Till date, they have saved more than 23,000 lives. They collaborate with 183 hospitals and have given services in Northwest Indiana and Illinois. They approach those who want to donate organs in Itasca or anywhere in Illinois and educate them and their family regarding the donation procedure. Not only this, they help in completing all medical check-up and documentation smoothly. This network consists of a team of professionals in medical, community educators, and trained clinicians.

If you haven’t registered as one of the donors then read the reasons below to understand its importance –

  • Organ transplant helps in changing life of a person who is at a stage where his or her life is at risk and their quality is impacted. Becoming a giver is an opportunity to assist another to get what they have been striving for so many years.
  • Entire Illinois that includes Itasca as well, has around 4000 patients waiting for transplant and in Northwest Indiana, 1400 patients are waiting.
  • Matching a donor isn’t easy, therefore you shouldn’t think all your organs match properly with the receiver. Sometimes, the receiver doesn’t get matching donors and therefore, we see people dying.
  • One donor can protect lives of eight people by donating all their organs, but can help 85 people in total because apart from organ you can also donate tissues.

The process of becoming a donor is very easy. There are many institutes in every state that help in such good deeds. You simply have to call them or log on to their page online. The rest of the procedures are handled by them. Adults can sign anytime, but children below the age of 18 years, need to get consent from their parents.

It is a chance to save lives and make your family feel proud about you. By donating one organ you’re giving life to not only to the receiver, but also his entire family, who’s been praying for their family’s happiness.

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